ID:          This article appears on pages 19-32 of the Cultic Studies Journal, Vol 10, No. 1, 1993.
             Dr. Singer is Emeritus Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the University of California
             at Berkeley.
Contents:    *  Page 21:  How Is Compliance Induced?
             *  Page 21:  Vulnerability to Influence Varies
             *  Page 22:  Evaluating the Circumstances Preceding and Relating To the Signing of the Documents
             *  Page 22:  The Case of the Evil Nurse
             *  Page 25:  How the "Program" Worked
             *  Page 26:  Conditions Facilitating the Work of the Influencer
             *  Page 26:    1. Isolation
             *  Page 26:    2. Creating a Siege Mentality
             *  Page 27:    3. Dependency
             *  Page 27:    4. Sense of Powerlessness
             *  Page 27:    5. Sense of Fear and Vulnerability
             *  Page 28:    6. Staying Unaware
             *  Page 29:  Summary
             *  Page 31:  References