conditions are important components to set the stage for undue

          Conditions Facilitating the Work of the Influencer

Six factors are prominent in undue influence situations.  They are the
production of isolation, the creation of the "siege mentality", the
fostering of dependence, the creation of powerlessness, the use of fear
and deception, and the keeping of the victim unaware of the manipulative
program put into place to influence and control the person and to obtain
the signing of documents which benefit the manipulators at the cost of
the signer.

1.  Isolation

Isolation is set into motion by the manipulator by controlling as closely
as possible all avenues of communication to and from the intended
victim.  The manipulator desires to create and convince the potential
signer of the existence of a pseudoworld.  In other words, the manipula-
tor creates a big myth that is supported by the surrounding events and
conditions that the manipulator is able to put into place.  The Evil Nurse
and her collaborators used such tactics as sending family, friends, and
neighbors away, censoring the mail, and controlling phone calls.  The
Evil Nurse effectively cut off outside information and support from
coming to Ms. Rose.  Simultaneously, she made others feel that Ms.
Rose did not want to see or talk to them.  Thus, Ms. Rose was walled
away from incoming information and could send none out.  The Evil
Nurse, aided by the renegade lawyer and the accountant, became the
sole source and channel of information from and access to the broader
world.  They were the "gatekeepers" controlling both incoming and
outgoing information.  The deceitful control and manipulation of
information puts the victims in these situations at a great disadvantage.

2.  Creating a Siege Mentality

Creating a siege mentality is usually added once the isolation has been
effected.  That is, anyone other than the Evil Nurse and those few she
needs to assist her to carry out her plan are spoken of in ways to convey
that the outside world is threatening and menacing the well-being, even
Cultic Studies Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1993